# How to manage article order in a section with the whiteCollar

If all the items have the order property set (or the position), both properties do the same thing: ordering the items following the property, instead of the order they appear in the whiteCollar.

However, both properties can be used only for some items.

The order in an item's pocket is a suggestion of where that item should be placed. Ordered items have priority over non-ordered items.

For example, with the following items:

    "title": "one"
    "title": "two"
    "title": "three"
    "title": "four with order 2",
    "pocket": {
      "order": 2

    "title": "five"
    "title": "six with order 4",
    "pocket": {
      "order": 4

The final ordering is:

    "four with order 2",
    "six with order 4",

Whereas position is an exact indication of where items should be.

With the following items:

    "title": "one"
    "title": "two"
    "title": "three"
    "title": "four with position 2",
    "pocket": {
      "position": 2

    "title": "five"
    "title": "six with position 4",
    "pocket": {
      "position": 4

The final ordering is:

    "four with order 2",
    "six with order 4",