# MarfeelCDN active

After activating MarfeelCDN, the request flow changes for the readers. In this article, you will find these differences explained.

# Active MarfeelCDN request flow

    participant rd as Reader
    participant ft as Fastly
    participant ms as M-Shield
    participant gtb as Gutenberg - liveint.mrf.io
    participant os as Tenant Origin Server

    rd->>ft: Content request
    ft->>ft: Server-side device detection
    opt is mobile
    opt Cached in Fastly
    ft->>rd: Response
    ft ->>ms: Content resquest
    opt Cached in Mshield
    ms ->>rd: Response
    ms->>gtb: Content request
    gtb->>rd: Response
    opt is desktop
    ft->>os: Content request
    os->>rd: Response

# Non-active MarfeelCDN request flow

    participant os as Tenant Origin Server
    participant rd as Reader
    participant ft as Fastly - live.mrf.io
    participant ms as M-Shield
    participant gtb as Gutenberg - liveint.mrf.io

    rd->>os: Content request
    os->>rd: Response
    rd->>rd: Client device detection - Garda
    Note left of rd: Is desktop: <br/>Garda stops, <br/> content is displayed <br/>as received
    opt is mobile
    rd ->>ft: Content resquest
    opt Cached in Faslty
    ft ->>rd: Response
    ft ->>ms: Content Request
    opt Cached in M-Shield
    ms ->>rd: Response
    ms ->>gtb: Content Request
    gtb ->>rd: Response

# Sanity check

After activating MarfeelCDN on a tenant, it's recommended to do the following checks validating everything works as expected.

# Browser Checks

  1. Desktop content: Check their desktop version, the content should be up to date.(New articles should appear as the tenant publishes them)
  2. Desktop images: Check the images are displaying and not distorted.
  3. QueryParam: Make a request using a query parameter (e.g.?test=1) generate a MISS in the cache layers to validate the flow to retrieve new content is OK.


The following checks only apply if the tenant is active.

  1. Mobile content: Check the Marfeel mobile version, the content should be fresh.
  2. Mobile content cache Headers: Check the cache headers are present.

# Dashboards Checks


Fastly's Dashboard access is restricted, contact the Caching System chapter if you require access.

# Alarms