# Comments.json

A tenant's commenting system is configured in the comments.json file, located in the resources folder of each site code repository.

For example, the comments.json of a Tenant using Spot.IM would look like:

  "spotIM" : [ {
    "name" : "example.com",
    "spotId" : "1234567",
    "recirculation" : "true",
    "community_promo": "false",
    "related_position": "outside",
    "launcher": "https://launcher.spot.im/spot/1234565"
  } ]


Only one provider can be setup per site.

# Schema

The comments json schema (opens new window) lists all the available providers that are built-in and supported out-of-the-box by Marfeel.


The commenting systems catalog documentation details the schema of every provider.

# Inheritance

comments.json follows Marfeel's inheritance rules.