# Ads flags

This article presents all the flags related to advertising that can be defined in a Tenant's definition.json.

# adDealerExtraImpression

Defines if an extra ad position is added to a Tenant's site.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "adDealerExtraImpression": true,

# adsBelowTopMedia


Use the top_detail_ placement via the inventory.json file instead of this flag.


PI team review required if adding a top ad.

Inserts an ad below the top media image, before the title.

Values: String



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "adsBelowTopMedia": "adsBelowTopMedia320",

# balconAdFrequency

Defines the number of elements before inserting a layoutRoba ad in a section preview or content group. It's used in several JSP files that implement section previews.

Values: Numerical, defaults to 3.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "balconAdFrequency": 2,

# bottomDetailsAd


Use the bottom_detail_ placement via the inventory.json file instead of this flag.

Inserts an ad at the end of the article. The string used defines the loading strategy.

Values: String (force__onScroll or onScroll).



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "bottomDetailsAd": "force_onScroll",

# bottomMosaicAd


Use the bottom_mosaic_ placement via the inventory.json file instead of this flag.

Inserts an ad at the beginning of the mrf-footer. The string used defines the loading strategy.

Values: String (force__onScroll or onScroll).



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "bottomMosaicAd": "force__onScreen",

# customAdsStartPosition


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Defines if the first ad position is inserted according to a custom configuration.

Values: True/False



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "customAdsStartPosition": true,

# disableAdsInTables

Forbids the AdDealer to place ads in tables. The current default is to allow ads in tables.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "disableAdsInTables": true,

# disableKeepImagesAfterHeaders

Allows the insertion of an ad between the header and image.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false: Marfeel doesn't normally insert an ad placement between the header of a page and an image.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "disableKeepImagesAfterHeaders": "true",

# disableTabletMoveUpFirstAd

Artifically moves up the first ad in Marfeel XL version.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "disableTabletMoveUpFirstAd": "true",

# enableMultiplyFactorSessionPrice (deprecated)

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "enableMultiplyFactorSessionPrice": true,

# extraNativeAdvInDetails (deprecated)


Use the extraNativeAdvInDetails placement via the inventory.json file instead of this flag.

Enables an extra layout for native ads.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "extraNativeAdvInDetails": true,

# facebookAutomaticAdPlacement

Enables the automatic placement of ads in a publisher's Facebook Instant Articles (opens new window).

Values: True/False



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "facebookAutomaticAdPlacement": true,

# forceDetailsSExtraAd

Inserts an extra ad in the article details.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false: Marfeel's AdDealer automatically detects if there are enough words after the last ad to insert a detailLayoutRoba ad.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "forceDetailsSExtraAd": true,

# initialWordsBetweenAds


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Defines the number of words between ads, for all pages.

Values: Numerical. Defaults to 90 in article pages and 100 in section pages.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "initialWordsBetweenAds": 70,

# insertAdAfterTitleS


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Inserts an ad right after the title of an article in the article details.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "insertAdAfterTitleS": true,

# maxAdsInArticle


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Defines the maximum number of ad placements to load in the article details.

Values: Numerical. Defaults to -1, which means infinite.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "maxAdsInArticle": 12,

# mosaicNextSectionAd

Enables an extra ad placement above the next section layout in mosaic.

The placement has the following configuration:

  • Type: sRoba
  • Layout: mosaicNextSectionAd
  • loadStrategy: onScroll

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "mosaicNextSectionAd": true,

# nativeAdvInDetails (deprecated)


Configure this behavior via the inventory.json file.

Enables native advertising in the article details and defines its position. according to the following:

Values: true, "top", or `"bottom"

  • true: default position
  • top: on top of the footer
  • bottom: at the bottom of the footer.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "nativeAdvInDetails": true,

# numMadsLoadOnScreen


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Specifies the number of onScreen ads in the article details. See more about ads loading strategy.

Values: Numerical. Defaults to 1.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "numMadsLoadOnScreen": 5,

# stickyAds (deprecated)

Partially deprecated

This flag is partially deprecated and can be removed if the useInventoryJsonInTouch flag is active.

Enables sticky ads. The sticky template is imported in the page's footer when sticky ads are enabled.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "stickyAds": true,


Remove this flag completely to disable it.

Setting it to false won't work.

# sInter (deprecated)

Partially deprecated

This flag is partially deprecated and can be removed if the useInventoryJsonInTouch flag is active.

Enables interstitial ads.

Values: Numerical. Defaults to empty.

  • 1: interstitial in section pages
  • 2: interstitial in article pages
  • 3: interstitial in both section and article pages
  • 4: 1 banner per session.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "sInter": 2,

# teadsInread

Enables the use of the native ad server Teads in the detailsAdsFooter.jsp.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.


    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "teadsInread": true,

# topMosaicAd


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Determines if and where an ad placement exists on top of a section page.

Values: String. Values can be onScreen or force_onScreen.

  • onScreen: places a full-screen ad in the section mosaic that has to be closed to see the page.
  • force_onScreen places the first ad in the section mosaic between the scrollable sections indicator (top menu) and the first article.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "topMosaicAd": "onScreen",

# wordsBetweenLastAdAndNativeAds


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Defines the minimum number of words between the last ad placement in an article and native ads.

Values: Numerical. Defaults to 15.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "wordsBetweenLastAdAndNativeAds": 30,

# wordsForFirstAd


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Defines the minimum number of words in the article before the first ad is inserted.

Values: 2 comma-separated numbers. Defaults to "50,16".

  • The first number is for articles without top media
  • The second number for articles with top media.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "wordsForFirstAd": "50,35",

# twisterJavaEnabled


This flag should not be removed, and should always be set to true.

Internal flag used in Gutenberg.

Location: Features

Values: True/False



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "twisterJavaEnabled": true,

# useInventoryJsonInTouch


This flag should not be removed.

Enables the use of inventory.json instead of javascript to configure ads for Touch. The AMP version always uses inventory.json independently from this flag.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "useInventoryJsonInTouch": true,

# enableAdDealerInMosaic (deprecated)


This flag is now a toggle in features.json under a different name (adDealerMosaic)

Enables the use of AdDealer in Mosaic.

Values: True/False. Default to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "enableAdDealerInMosaic": true,

# useInventoryAds (deprecated)

Enables the use of the inventory.json file to set up the ads configuration.

Location: Features

Values: True/False, "remote"



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "useInventoryAds": true,

# CRISPRsendUTMTargeting


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Sends utm key values with DFP requests.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "CRISPRsendUTMTargeting": true,

# limitAdDensity (deprecated)


Configure this behavior via the twister.json densometer property.

Enables the use of Marfeel's Ad Density Tool.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "limitAdDensity": true,

# adsOnGallery

Defines the ad type loaded in image galleries.

Location: Features

Values: String. One of:

  • sky
  • mega
  • true



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "adsOnGallery": "mega",

# adDealerAggressivenessPreset (deprecated)


Configure this behavior via the twister.json ad network profile strategy.

Values: True/False



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "adDealerAggressivenessPreset": "LOOSE",

# headerBiddingScope

Defines the scope of Marfeel's Header Bidding. This flag is internal to the monetization team, and shouldn't be modified by other teams.

Values: Numerical. Defaults to 3.

  • 1: Web
  • 2: AMP
  • 3: All



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "headerBiddingScope": 2,

# desktopAds


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Enables Marfeel ads in Desktop.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "desktopAds": true,

# customAdsLastPosition


PI team review required if adding or modifying this flag.

Used by AdDealer. If there is enough content, it forces a last ad placement at the end of the article.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "customAdsLastPosition": true,

# disableAdsInList

Used by AdDealer. It prevents AdDealer to place Ads inside HTML lists (UL, LI).

Usage warning

This flag should not be used, or only used in extreme cases because AdDealer always tries either to put ads outside lists. If it has to place it inside a list, it closes the list first, places the ad, and reopens the list, so styles are preserved.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "disableAdsInList": true,

# noAdsNearVideos

Used by AdDealer. It prevents AdDealer to place Ads before or after a video.

Usage warning

For the AdDealer to identify the block is a video, the element must include the class .mrf-iframeVideo.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "noAdsNearVideos": true,