# Common issues with API REST
# 401 / 403: Unauthorized or Forbidden access
{"code":"rest_disabled","message":"REST API disabled.","data":{"status":401}}
API REST is not accessible because some security plugin is blocking it. Please check your plugins or themes security settings and set your API REST open.
There is a list of some plugins that disable REST API access:
# W3 Total cache
W3 Total Cache plugin has a specific setting to disable REST API. To enable REST API again you need to follow these steps:
- Go to "W3 Total Cache" > "Page cache" in lateral menu
- Go to "REST API" section
- Select "Don’t cache" option
# Security plugins
Some security plugins restrict access to REST API, to re-enable REST API access follow the instructions the security plugin provides.
# iThemes security
- Go to iThemes Security > Settings
- Find "WordPress Tweaks" section and click "Configure Settings"
- Scroll to REST "REST API" Section and select "Default Access"
Information about iThemes settings (opens new window)
# Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan
Information about Cerber settings (opens new window)
# Disable REST API plugins
There are some specific plugins to disable REST API. Check your WordPress active plugins and deactivate those that are disabling REST API.
# Only logged users can access API
{"code":"rest_disabled","message":"REST API disabled.","data":{"status":401}}
If you see this error, please check your settings to find plugins that have restricted REST API.
# 500/503: Server error
If your REST API is returning a 500 or 503 error, that means that there is a problem in your server. Please:
- Keep your PHP and WordPress updated
- Keep MarfeelPress updated at last version
- Check your server settings and our hard requirements
# Other issues
We've detected other issues like your server is sending the right content but the request has a status code different than the right one (200: OK Success). Some servers send a 401, 403, 404 or 406 status code that means that content is not accessible. You need to assure that this request is serving a 200 status code, replacing "www.example.com" by your domain: