# Metrics catalog

If the provider that you are looking for is not on the list, you can create a custom extension.

For all metrics, the name property is a required constant. It is used to uniquely identify the tracker on the client side. It must be of type String, without special characters.

Mandatory attributes have a * next to their name.

# adobeNative

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
iframeMessage* string .
platforms string Only for ["AMP"].


  "adobeNative" : [ {
    "name" : "Example Site",
    "iframeMessage" : "test"
  } ]

# alexa

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
acctNum* string .
domain* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].


  "alexa" : [ {
    "name" : "alexa",
    "acctNum" : "Abcdefghijk123",
    "domain" : "example.com"
  } ]

# blueKai

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
id* string .
metadataName string .
platforms string Only for ["TOUCH"].


  "blueKai" : {
    "name": "blueKai12345",
    "id": "12345",
    "metadataName": "exampleBluekaiMetadataDetector",
    "platforms": [

# chartbeat

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
uid* string .
domain string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# comscore

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
c2Var* string .
nsSite string .
extraUrlParams object .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].


  "comscore" : [ {
    "name" : "comscore",
    "c2Var" : "12345678"
  } ]

# dataxpand

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
siteId* string .
domain string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# effective

Attribute Type description
name* string Name of the metrics provider.
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# facebookAd

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
pixelId* string Pixel id provided by PI.
fbPixelValues* object Object with values provided by PI
customElements array Custom ad server names to be tracked. Can have multiple values (either taboola, outbrain or revcontent).
platforms string Only for ["TOUCH"].


"facebookAd": [
    "name": "facebookAdtracker",
    "pixelId": "387244165315511",
    "customElements": [
    "fbPixelValues": {
        "fb_pixel_value_revcontent": 0.44,
        "fb_pixel_value_display": 0.24,
        "fb_pixel_value_outbrain": 3.45,
        "fb_pixel_value_taboola": 1.55,
        "fb_pixel_value_default": 0.0
    "platforms": [

# facebookAudiences

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
pixelId* string .
platforms string Only for ["TOUCH"].

# facebookMetric

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
id* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# facebookPixel

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
pixelId* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# GTM (GoogleTagManager)


Despite there's an implementation in core, this must not be used. For more information, check this article.

# getClicky

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
siteId* string .
platforms string Only for ["TOUCH"].

# googleAnalytics (opens new window)

  • Required: uaCode,name
  • Optional:platforms, triggers

# Basic googleAnalytics configuration

  • Name: String with provider and tenant's name. Has to be unique within the json.
  • uaCode: Code starting with UA- provided by the tenant.
  • platforms: Array with "AMP" and/or "TOUCH". Both AMP and TOUCH are enabled by default, so it should only be modified when working in custom cases.

# googleAnalytics example

    "googleAnalytics": [
            "name": "google",
            "uaCode": "UA-5641234-2"

# Advanced googleAnalytics configuration

Dimensions (opens new window): Extra parameters than can be sent to the account on demand.

In Marfeel, they can be detected with a metadata detector either using the core implementations or custom ones.

That information is then collected and added to GA by this jsp (opens new window).

Triggers (opens new window): AMP ONLY. Allows customization on when analytics should be sent.

In Marfeel, these can be added in metrics.json (see example (opens new window)), as well as in customDimentions.jsp (opens new window). They will be retrieved by the googleAnalytics AMP tracker in XP (opens new window).

TrackEvents: Defaults to false. When true, Marfeel events are sent to the account.

# sampleSpec

Attribute Type description
sampleOn* string .
threshold number .

# googleArf

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
uaCode* string uaCode. Pattern: ^(UA-[0-9]{6,}-[0-9]+)$
platforms string Only for ["AMP"].

# hotjar

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
siteId* string .
trackNumber* string .
platforms string Only for ["TOUCH"].

# jetpack

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
blog* string .
tz* string .
apiVersion string JetPack API version of the tenant.
postSelector string Selector of the HTML element that contains the ID of a post.
postId string Name of the DOM property (of the previos html element) that contains the ID of a post.
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].


  "jetpack" : [ {
    "name" : "jetpack",
    "blog" : "123456789",
    "tz" : "-0",
    "apiVersion": "A7.1.2",
    "postSelector": ".single-page",
    "postId": "data-postid"
  } ]

# kruxMetric

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
kruxId* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# liveInternet

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
domain* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# lotame

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
account* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].
extraUrlParams object .

# matomo

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
matomoUrl* string .
siteId* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# newsroom

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
accountId* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# nielsen

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
countryCode* string .
ci* string .
cg* string .
urlModifier* string .
platforms string Only for ["TOUCH"].

# onthe

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
projectId* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# panmetrics

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
siteId* string .
enableSATI boolean .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# parsely

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
apiKey* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# piwik

Attribute Type description
name* string Name of the metrics provider.
piwikUrl* string .
siteId* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# quantcast

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
pcode* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# statcounter

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
project* string .
security* string .
flags* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# tailDMP

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
id* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].

# xiti

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
site* string .
logs* string .
domain* string .
level2* string .
host* string .
platforms string ["AMP", "TOUCH"].
extraUrlParams object .

# yandex

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
pixelId* string .
scriptSrc string .
platforms string Only for ["TOUCH"].

# yandexMetrika

Attribute Type description
name string Name of the metrics provider.
counterId* string .
yaParams string .
notBounce boolean .
partsScroll boolean .
platforms string Only for ["AMP"].