Marfeel Copilot acts as your trusty proofreader helping you find the words you need to craft stories that captivate readers from the very first word
and more...
Marfeel Copilot helps you automatically link your hidden gems contextually to give them a second life, even at the paragraph level. Ensure readers stay immersed in your news universe longer. You know. Ideal. For SEO.
Marfeel Copilot works where you work. In your CMS, in your browser, in a press release, in an international news outlet, in an agency news feed. Anywhere. Ideate what stories can come next with a flair. On time.
Marfeel Copilot suggests optimised versions of your story for different social networks and formats so get the most out of every story and channel
Marfeel GenAI platform allows you to create and experiment with your own prompts to evolve your strategy for the best competitive edge.
Innovate and experiment with your data, with cutting-edge vector databases, LLMs at internet scale.